Sadie Farrell, The Fascist’s Best Friend

IN April 2022 a number of radicals began receiving unwanted, harassing, and threatening communications from a number of social media accounts. This harassing and unwanted communication was happening in public forums, private messaging, and through email. These were soon revealed to be Sadie Farrell, a former anarchist with involvement and participation in both the New York and the broader US anarchist and antifascist scene.

Sadie Farrell’s communications were not only constant but unrelenting. They occurred across almost every social media platform including personal emails. They included contacting and sending extensive threatening messages to people following or seemingly connected to her targets.
So far, in her harassment Sadie has used an excessive number of social media accounts: over 40 twitter accounts, a dozen Instagram accounts including @TaraMarkov12 and one in a survivor’s name, two dozen mastodon accounts, and 6 email addresses. Talk about being online. Sadie’s twitters include @SadieTraya, @sleighbells161, @alexiskrauss161, @zerrac3 @hdarkensausage, @ekerrisan, @carr3f0r, @shadow_dyke, @violentfemme161, & @karasera12. Most are suspended. You can find receipts at the bottom of this page.
Some of the suspended Mastodon accounts include @terrorfemmeKYLR, @glitch_girl_gang, @ForceFemmeARA, @vao, and @fatal_femme. Sadie also created an account in the identity of a survivor. So much appreciation to the Kolektiva and mods who have worked to keep her deplatformed.Sadie threatening to dox a trans femme who has been doxxed by kiwifarms before
How do we know so many accounts are Sadies? It’s easy! She tells everyone everything immediately.
There have been potentially thousands of threatening, unwanted, and harassing messages and emails. Blackmail, death threats, doxxing, sexual harassment, transphobia, ableism, and other forms of abuse are consistently repeated.
Sadie’s main targets have been people who publicly have identified themselves as experiencing domestic and sexual violence and those who are connected to various anarchist projects or thinkers. Especially groups and orgs who signed onto a letter denouncing serial abuser Antifash Gordon.
In Sadie’s own words, she is not interested in protecting people from abuse, she simply enjoys the drama that results when survivors stand up to their abusers.
Despite Sadie’s attempt to brand herself as a renegade vigilante on a crusade against rapists and scene patriarchs, Sadie Farrell has rarely, if ever, gone after rapists and abusers or their defenders, and never with the intense, obsessive, unrelenting focus with which she pursues survivors and their outspoken advocates.
Sadie has made no effort to conceal her identity in this abuse. And she’s no stranger to it. She has previous participation in the anarchist and antifascist scene since Occupy Wall Street. She was a J20 defendant and has contributed to media projects. She participated in research projects and was active in the New York scene under a different name, her deadname. She was most widely known on Twitter under the name @marusya_161 and @marusya_1312
Her original account, @SoellerPower was banned in 2019. Under the Marusya accounts, she created the name and persona of Sadie Farrell. She explains her motivations, rationale and goals on this YouTube interview on the L0G1c9UY AFTER DARK channel. ep. 12 with Peter Soeller, (archive)
We don’t blame you for not wanting to listen to this trash. Skim the transcription:
Three years ago, previous to the L0G1c9UY interview, Sadie launched a podcast, Fashbusters Pod, diving into the doxxes and information posted on the Fashbusters blog (2019 archive & 2023 archive). The blog was last updated in November 2021. Sadie’s podcast was short-lived, with only one episode. Soundcloud, archive.
Sadie’s deadname has a long history attached to it and we encourage readers to research on their own.
We know that Sadie has sent at least two doxxes to Andy Ngo, was the source for a dox of an antifascist published by the National Justice Party, posted other comrade doxxes publicly social media, used nude sexual images of a comrade, without consent, as blackmail and then posted them on social media (aka sextortion & revenge porn), and has sent personally identifying information to people she perceives as enemies over email. It is reasonable to assume Sadie is sending information about anarchists, antifascists, and leftists to fascists directly.
In a moment of sincerity, Sadie described her campaign of harassment, stalking, and doxxing as a “synthesis of antifascism & fascism.” We would call integrating “fascism” into your “antifascist” practice flipping, but this is a good summary of Sadie’s actions over the past year. Sadie has used the knowledge, relationships, and skills she learned within the antifascist community in her pivot towards fascism.
Sadie’s stalking and harassment was facilitated by her longtime friend and comrade Christian Valencia who housed her and victim-blamed her survivors.

In messages sent to us between Christian Valencia (Nocturne) and someone concerned about Sadie’s stalking, Christian blames Sadie’s victims and unrelated groups for not “vetting” her.
It’s worth underscoring that Christian’s point here is that Sadie’s survivors deserved Sadie’s stalking, doxxing, racism, etc. and that ‘scene heads should manage relationships.’ Christian parroted Sadie’s delusions, echoing the lie that organizations or towns “forced her to work.” In our verification, we uncovered that most of Sadie’s targets DID NOT work with her or even have a relationship with her.
Some of Sadie’s targets had communicated with her through social media before the stalking began. There were no warnings, no mentions from Christian Valencia, and nothing was shared about Sadie Farrell. Further, the admins of this blog have determined to the best of their ability that Sadie has never worked with Portland, Torch, or OPP.
In subsequent messages, Christian said that Sadie is attending radical actions and is meeting new people in the NYC radical scene.

As a reminder, this is who Christian said is a “victim of severe structural mismanagement and scene arrogance by public figures”:
Despite all the huff and puff about how random individuals and orgs should have vetted Sadie better if they didn’t want her stalking them or others within the movement, Christian continued to work with Sadie as a close accomplice. On May 2nd, 2023, after the above conversation took place, Christian was caught on camera vandalizing The Catholic Charities of Brooklyn with Sadie. Interestingly, Sadie was not charged for this crime but Christian was.

Sadie is a fascist by all definitions. She holds profoundly authoritarian views while also being deeply racist, misogynistic, ableist, antisemitic, transphobic, and spends most of her organizing time attacking the left, particularly anarchists, antifascists, and non-white radicals. Christian has violated the principles of the Three Way Fight by collaborating with and supporting a fascist, despite his claims of ‘keeping her in check’.
For additional resources and evidence of Sadie’s abusive and dangerous behavior, check out the other sections on the site:
How To Identify Sadie Farrell Online
How To Defend Your Community Against Sadie Farrell
Sadie’s Mass Casualty Fixation
Sadie Doxxing then Tagging Andy Ngo
Sadie Threatening State Violence
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hey this site is great but I think you’re wrong on a few things. Sadie wasn’t involved in Occupy here. She’s not like a long term anarchist or anything. She first got involved through the Trump innaugaration protests (J20) when she got arrested and her and her friends did a bunch of speaking tours with like ML’s and various annoying ass liberals. Like tried to become famous of it. Even after that she was still mainly involved with ML and dirtbag kinda shit and hung out with the worst of the worst people.
I met her during the Eric Garner marches in 2014 so I think she’s been involved since at least then.
i worry that this abuser is trying to destroy anti-abuser people by pretending to identify with us in grotesque ways
didn’t even know this person but got a BUNCH of wild and innapropriate DMs demanding money. complete creep. sorry this is happenning.
What a fucking loser
I knew she was bad news but holy shit. It sounds like she is just jealous of AFG’s power over people and fame.